high success in international patient treatment


the high success rate in diagnosis and treatment for

foreign patients who came from abroad









reliable treatments by expert doctors


your health is in safe thanks to our doctors who have got international reputation and experience on diseases and treatments











the high success rate in diagnosis and treatments


thanks to our infrastructure, expert staff, and technological opportunities, the diagnosis and treatment success rate above Turkey average


Biography of Our Doctors 


Op. Dr. Fuat Ali

Doç. Dr. Ali Sami Gürbüz

Doç. Dr. Ersin Çintesun














most effective content for communicating with international patients 


our platform provides direct and unmediated communication service with international patients in English, Arabic, Persian, Russian, German, Azerbaijani and French languages







be a member of our system

if you be a member of our system, we can help you directly and effectively to plan your healthcare treatment in Turkey. for detailed information watch our video at the sidejoin
  1. introduce yourself

  1. information written by you at this part is shared only with our authorized doctors and hospital officials. by this way, only the relevant staff of our hospital can get in contact with you through communication addresses you fill in this form.
  2. close form







healthy communication between doctor and patient

 qualified communication between international patients and our doctors is established by our native speaker staff








services for international patients

we provide customized services like planning all steps of treatment processes and even making bookings at hotels for patients and their accompanies. for detailed information watch our video at the sideclick here






to perform requirements of polyclinic, laboratory and official procedures in shortest time

quick and effective service to public with information, high-tech resources, hardware, online services and automation links